Renewable Energies

renewable energy investments

Romania is a state which is endowed with energy resources that are valuable, such as renewable energy and pv system, in comparison to other European states. Nearly 70% of the main source of energy in Romania can be supplied by personal sources. In connection to renewable energies, in the last years, Romania was among the most vibrant markets especially in connection with green investment, renewable energy investment and this was made possible with renewable energy fund which facilitated renewable energy project which is a profitable investment as well as biogas investment. Mostly, this is because of the Law for backing renewable energies, implemented when 2011 came to a close; however, also due to good weather states. Romania has a great possibility in each industry of renewable energies: Biomass, Wind, Geothermy, Photovoltaics, Water, etc. A huge section of this possibility remains unused in part because of particular decreases of state backing by the regulation above which at times restricts renewable energy financing.

Renewable energy investments in Romania.

We are active since over 5 years in the field intermediation of renewable energy projects in Romania. We would like to inform you on the opportunity to purchase 3 grid connected wind and photovoltaic parks (large and small) in Romania. Contrary to other European (and Romanian) PV parks have these the large advantage of being already commissioned before the tightened legal modifications in Romania and Europe. Thus, they have 6 Green Certificates, binding power purchase agreements, clear financial data after the first operation years as well as Due Diligence reports carried out. Further, we have in our portfolio different grid connected wind farms in Romania and ready to build photovoltaic, wind and geothermal projects.

For further information please contact us.


– ready to build  (RTB) Wind-, PV- and geothermal projects.

– grid connected PV and Wind parks. 

Photovoltaik parks and Wind parks

Grid connected parks: we have in our portfolio different grid connected PV and Wind parks in Romania. If you would like to sell or buy such parks, we are the right partner for you.

Projects: different ready to build PV and Wind energy projects in Romania on different locations and in different sizes. All projects are ready to build, with all necessary permits.

Panels: we sell solar panels between 195 – 300 Wp to very low prices without anti-dumping tax and realistic delivery times.

For more details do not hesitate to contact us.

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